November Vitality Challenge Week 4: Gratitude

Gratitude isn’t just being grateful when something goes right or doesn’t go wrong. It’s being grateful for what you already have and who you already are. At the start of 2014, I read The Magic by Rhonda Byrne (she’s the lady behind The Secret). It’s an incredibly inspiring book which sees you practice 28 consecutive […]
November Vitality Challenge Week 3: Self Care/Connection

Far too often I hear women (sorry gals, but guys tend to be better at creating guilt-free time for themselves!) share how they don’t have enough time for themselves and that even when they do put some time aside, they feel guilty for doing it. Enough! I’m here to tell you self-care isn’t just a […]
November Vitality Challenge Week 2: Nourish

Health is an assimilation of many small habits that work together to create that thing we’re forever seeking…balance! In saying that, I do believe one of the very first places we should start and ALWAYS focus on is what we put into our bodies. Every time we eat, we are either feeding ‘dis-ease’ or fighting […]
November Vitality Challenge Week 1: Movement

We human beings were born to move; it’s kind of the reason we were blessed with two legs. Once upon a time, we spent our days hunting and gathering, cooking and cleaning and generally doing. Now, most of us have to schedule time for movement and give it the title “exercise” because of sedentary jobs […]
Restorative Reiki Yin Workshop

Every single one of us has the ability to heal ourselves. We don’t need any special skills or years of training to assist ourselves in feeling better. With some simple and straightforward techniques, we can access our healing powers within. Energy healing has been around for centuries and is one of the primary modalities in […]
The health benefits of Cacao

It’s easy to understand why people love chocolate. It tastes amazing and comes in all shapes, sizes, and flavours. But not all chocolate is created equal. Raw and unprocessed cacao offers up some of the best health benefits. This rich and luxurious powder can be used to make raw treats, smoothies, hot cacao drinks, homemade […]

OPENING WEEKEND 1ST & 2ND DECEMBER – FREE CLASSES, MEMBERSHIP EXCLUSIVES AND FREEBIES ALL WEEKEND – SEE EVENT INFO HERE We are so excited to announce you will soon be able to get more of The Studio Perth in the northern suburbs! Our newest hot sanctuary will be located in the far north suburb of Butler (in […]
Why Men Should do Yoga and Pilates

While the stereotype of yoga and pilates being a female game is slowly changing, there are still a lot of men who are sceptical or hesitant to give yoga and pilates a try. But when it comes to these types of movement, it doesn’t discriminate based on gender (or age or ability for that […]
Benefits of Attending Early Morning Classes

While some of us are night owls and others are early risers, we can all benefit from starting the day before the sun and hitting an early morning (yes 6am) yoga or pilates class. We can hear some of you groaning and reaching for that snooze button already, but there is something amazing about […]
YTP in Vic Park Turns Six, Let’s Celebrate

Not long ago our Joondalup studio turned eight, and now our Vic Park studio is turning six. We figured we couldn’t have a birthday party for one and not the other. Right? That wouldn’t have been fair. And when it comes to birthday celebrations, we really think we have the perfect recipe down pat. Here […]